Our journey into the captivating world of photography traces back to the humble beginnings of our college's photography group. What started as sporadic engagement soon blossomed into a passion ignited by the click of a button. Suddenly, the world appeared in a new light, and the age-old expression of "viewing the world through a different lens" took on a profound meaning.

Among the array of lenses, it was the 50mm lens that captured our imagination and paved the path for our artistic exploration. With its crisp focus and unparalleled versatility, it became our gateway to the art of photography.

Thus, inspired by this pivotal moment, 50mm Studios was born. It's not just a name; it's a homage to our beginnings, a tribute to the lens that sparked our passion, and a promise to capture moments with the same clarity and authenticity that first ignited our love for photography.


Poonam & Rakesh

“We had really great experience with your team and the videos and photos are mind-blowing. It was the best decision to choose your team for our wedding”

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